As I gaze around my office this morning, I note an odd quiet, lack of chittty-chat, and alot of on hold phone calls. While I hope that this is the product of my staff working with sheer efficiency, I realize instead that this is simply a result of fewer girls (techs) per square foot. Welcome to small business America, where, sick employees stay home and tired bosses continue to show up for work.
My Dad was a product of a WW2 work ethic, going to the law office every day- never out sick. As a girl I occasionally heard him complain about sick secretaries or no show assistants, but he always went into work- rain or shine. Until I was married, I had never heard of sick leave or personal time. I had always been taught that the first part of work meant "show up". As an associate vet, I mostly followed my Dad's example- as a practice owner, I live it every day.
It is part of the American dream to be your own boss- set your own hours, take time off when you want, and make the big bucks. Unfortunately, being the owner of a vet practice means I work longer than anyone else, I have to be there or we cannot make money, and I am responsibile not only for my actions, but of my employees. If I want time off, I have to pay a veterinarian to take my place. The big bucks?- Well, maybe someday once the practice is paid off, for now the bank is the one sitting pretty.
What this means is when I am sick, I still have to come in to work. As a workaholic dinosaur, am I jealous of my stay at home sick employees- sometimes, but I know they work hard for me and really care about our practice. Hiring the right people includes taking care of them when they need it. My Dad would just say this is the price we pay for owning a business. I say it is part of being a modern boss and being able to see the big picture. Too bad my big picture can't include some sick stay at home couch time with the doxies!
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